About us

With the financial support of

L.R. 13/13 art 7 - Avviso Pubblico "Fondo della creatività per il sostegno e lo sviluppo di imprese nel settore delle attività culturali e creative - annualità 2020"


Maxim The 34
Golden Goose
Champion Store
My Chalom

Who was GAIA born from?

Hi, I'm Arianna Pozzi, I'm twenty years old and I'm the founder of GAIA. I have always had a great passion for the world of fashion and the desire to engage in projects that could make a difference in the world in their small way. My path started precisely from the awareness of the widespread need to solve the dilemma of what to wear to feel at the best by freeing ourselves from the homologation imposed by the iconic models of our society. GAIA's mission is therefore to help everyone find their own unique and authentic style that fully reflects their personality, also paying attention to issues related to sustainability. I work hard every day with enthusiasm and determination with my team, to achieve this goal and spread our innovative message in the fashion sector. If you also share our values, join the GAIA community and help revolutionize the world of fashion!!


is a platform of Gaia Srl
Via Conte di Ruvo 71/73, Pescara

operational headquarters
Viale Bruno Pelizzi 31, Roma

REA PE - 408415 Registro imprese di Pescara
Share capital: € 12.606,44 f.p.
email: info@gaiamyfriend.com
PEC: gaiasrls2019@legalmail.it

© GAIA 2024. All Rights Reserved. V. 1.0.18